The premier Streaming Site, dedicated to providing anime in the highest quality possible. deploys servers around the world, to allow it's users to stream Subbed Japanese Anime using the DivX Web Player. Check it out today and experience the Net's one and only source for High Quality Anime.
Part of FTW Entertainment's mission is to give back to those that have allowed us to grow. For the anime community we give more than 500 dollars a month back to fansub groups, to continue the spread of Anime.
We take pride in our infrastructure, our deliverability and our uniqueness, we pave the way and set the standard in anything we do, from Steaming Anime to IRCd hosting.
All of the staff of FTW Entertainment LLC accel in their fields, we employ the brightest minds to give FTW Entertainment the best edge when it comes to deployment and infrastructure maintainence.
With everything we do, we believe it makes us that much closer to making the web a more vibrant and exciting place to be apart of.